EdTech Journals

Below, please find the following for each journal listed:

h5-Index & h5-Median: The h5 index is the largest value number where h articles have been published in the past five years with h or more citations each. For example, if a journal has an h5 Index value of 45, then the journal has published 45 articles in the past five years with at least 45 citations each.

Scopus Citing Score: The Scopus citing score uses the journal impact factor (JIF) formula, which gives a score based on the ratio of citations to recent items/number of recent items. The Scopus Citing Score takes 3 years of data into consideration.

General Information:

This open-access journal was established in 1976. It works in conjunction with the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education.  They publish bi-monthly, which is six journals each year.

Editorial Standards:

They are looking for research and scholarship to better understand educational technology in post-school education settings.  Articles are processed in a two-stage review process.  The initial editorial review is led by editors which then results in a second peer-review process. The initial stage takes 7-14 days, and authors are generally notified within four months of submission. 

HL Index Number: #49

h5-median 68. Currently rated 13th for Educational Technology

Scopus Citing Score: #5.5

Social Sciences Citation Index:  #5.5

EST. 1970

General Information:

BJET is a primary source for academics and professionals in the fields of digital educational and training technology throughout the world. The Journal is published by Wiley on behalf of The British Educational Research Association (BERA). It publishes theoretical perspectives, methodological developments and high quality empirical research that demonstrate whether and how applications of instructional/educational technology systems, networks, tools and resources lead to improvements in formal and non-formal education at all levels, from early years through to higher, technical and vocational education, professional development and corporate training. 

*Reference: https://bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/14678535/productinformation.html

Editorial Standards:

H5 Index Number: #70

H5 Median Number: #96

Scopus Citing Score: 6.4

General Information:

EST. 1983

The official journal of the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium is published exclusively online by Equinox. Published three times per year, its articles are specifically concerned with new developments in the field of computer assisted language learning including original research studies (available through subscription only) and book and software reviews (open-access). Membership in the consortium includes a subscription to the journal. 

Editorial Standards:

CALICO journal is peer-reviewed by an international review board. For accepted articles, time between acceptance and publication is typically 12-18 months.

h5-Index: #17

h5-Median: #43

Scopus Citing Score: #2.1

General Information:

Computer Assisted Language Learning focuses on publishing articles that augment understanding of how technology-mediated language learning works. All works published in this journal are subjected to a rigorous peer review process, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

Editorial Standards:

Submitted articles are required to

h5-index: 64   

h5-median: 97

Scopus Citing Score: 12.0

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

General Information:

EST. 1989 

Journal of Computing in Higher Education was established at a time when the use of emerging technologies within the realm of education was not dedicated solely to the use of modern day computers, but built around the future implications of their utility. The journal has evolved over the past 33 years to now include articles on mobile gaming, MOOCs, and instructional products. A wide variety of articles are encouraged for consideration. The main focus has always been and continues to be on higher education. 

Articles submitted for publication undergo peer review. Submission guidelines stipulate APA 6th ed. be used. Authors have the opportunity to either transfer copyright to the journal or provide their article as open-access for a publication fee. 

The Journal of Computing in Higher Education recommends authors seeking publication review their comprehensive guide. What Journal Editors Wish Authors Knew About Academic Publishing  

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 38

h5-Median: 56

Scopus Citing Score: 7.4

General Information:

EST. 1976

Computers & Education aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which digital technology can enhance education, through the publication of high-quality research, which extends theory and practice. The Editors welcome research papers on the pedagogical uses of digital technology, where the focus is broad enough to be of interest to a wider education community. 

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: #128

h5-Median: #175

Scopus Citing Score: #19.8

General Information:

EST. 2018

Contemporary Educational Technology is a scholarly international journal focusing on theory, research, and development in the field of educational technology.

The journal assigns highest priority to rigorous studies of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed paradigms on topics related to theories and applications of educational technology as well as instructional design in various educational settings including both formal and non-formal contexts.

The journal also publishes articles on empirically-based evaluation studies and theoretically-based development papers.  When appropriate and possible, development papers should highlight links between theory and practice of educational technology. Moreover, each issue of the journal publishes comprehensive book reviews, interviews, comments, and research abstracts on current issues in the field of educational technology and instructional design.

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: #28

h5-Median: #43

Scopus Citing Score: #4.2

EST. 1996

General Information:

This is the official journal of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education. It covers the complex relationships between information and communication technologies and education. The journal provides perspectives at all levels, from the micro of specific applications or instances of use in classrooms to macro concerns of national policies and major projects; from classes of five year olds to adults in tertiary institutions; from teachers and administrators, to researchers and designers; from institutions to open, distance and lifelong learning.

*Reference: https://www.springer.com/journal/10639

Editorial Standards:

H5 Index Number: #69

H5 Median Number: #101

Scopus Citing Score: 3.666

General Information:

This is an open-access, academic journal that looks into issues surrounding the developers of educational systems, as well as those who manage and oversee said systems.  This journal looks to report on original research that bridges the pedagogy and practice of technology integration. First created in 1998, this quarterly journal produces 4 issues each year.  

Editorial Standards:

Submissions are peer-reviewed.  Submissions must meet rigorous standards in terms of relevance, originality, bibliography, method, language, consistency, and form.  The Copywrite remains with the author, but the journal holds exclusive commercial and publishing rights to any published work.  

HL Index Number: #53

h5-median is 87.  This journal is number 8 on the list of journals pertaining to educational technology

Scopus Citing Score: #7.2

96th percentile for Sociology and Political Science, 96th percentile in Education, and 91st percentile in general engineering.  

General Information:

Est: 1979, publishing papers in the years 1979-1982, 1996-Present.

This is a closed-access, journal that explores the realm of politics and education, including topics on economics in education, educational policy analysis, and current issues. Publishing quarterly, the journal is on it's 45th volume right now. Of note, Boise State has a subscription to this journal. 

Editorial Standards:

h-index: 90

Impact Score: 3.96

EST. 1989

General Information:

The Research Section assigns highest priority in reviewing manuscripts to rigorous original quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies on topics relating to applications of technology or instructional design in educational settings. Such contexts include K-12, higher education, and adult learning (e.g., in corporate training settings). Analytical papers that evaluate important research issues related to educational technology research and reviews of the literature on similar topics are also published. This section features well-documented articles on the practical aspects of research as well as applied theory in educational practice and provides a comprehensive source of current research information in instructional technology. 

*Reference: https://www.springer.com/journal/11423

Editorial Standards:

H5 Index Number: #57

H5 Median Number: #80

Scopus Citing Score: 5.67

EST. 2003

General Information:

The Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL) is an open source resource for practitioners and scholars alike. The journal provides resources and perspectives around educaiton, learning, and pedogogy. Additionally, topics included in the journal are relevant to the study, theory, and practice of e-Learning.

Editorial Standards:

H5-Index: 27

H5-Median: 46

Scopus Citing Score: 3.7

EST. 2005

General Information:

EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Abbrev. EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed. or EJMSTE) is an English, open access, peer-reviewed and scholarly journal that publish articles on all aspects of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education with ISSN: 1305-8223 (online) 1305-8215 (print). The journal is published 12 times in a year, and strictly adheres to the principles of the peer review process.

EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education encourages submissions from all authors throughout the world. Manuscripts are judged by two experts solely on the basis of their contribution of original data, ideas and their presentation. All manuscripts must comply with Manuscript Preparation Guidelines and Publication Ethics. Submitted manuscripts must not have been published, accepted for publication or be under consideration elsewhere.

*Reference: https://www.ejmste.com/home/about-us

Editorial Standards:

H5 Index Number: #58

H5 Median Number: #77

Scopus Citing Score: 4.4

EST. 1930

General Information:

Harvard Educational Review (HER) is a subscription-based scholarly journal. HER publishes interdisciplinary articles that work to advance educational theory, equity, and practice. The editorial board is comprised of Harvard doctoral students from the Graduate School of Education. The journal is published quarterly.

*Reference: https://hep.gse.harvard.edu/journals/about-harvard-educational-review/

Editorial Standards:

H5 Index Number: #26

H5 Median Number: #43

IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 

General Information:

EST. 2008

IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies is an academic journal focused on the publication of original research or critical reviews of previously published articles. The journal's primary foci are: online learning systems, simulations, online games, and intelligent tutors. Many other topics are considered for publication such as learning systems, educational software, and online tools. Any articles published prior to February 2018 are open source. Articles published after this date are only accessible to those who subscribe to the journal or purchase individual articles, but authors are granted the option to provide their article open-access by incurring a publication fee. 

Articles submitted for publication are reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers. 

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 38

h5-Median: 57

Scopus Citing Score: 7.4

General Information:

The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education collects submissions from researchers who seek to improve the implementation of “computer-based learning systems.” Some articles focus on the direct application of these technologies and their implementation. Other articles focus on establishing the requisite knowledge to support a community of scholars who seek to improve their learning systems. The journal’s scope acknowledges (and endorses) a broad interpretation of the terms “artificial intelligence” and “computer-based learning system” to invite a wide range of scholarly conversations. To support this point, this page also includes a list of 60 different topics that may intersect with the journal’s scope. These topics range from the deeply technical (e.g. educational robotics, educational data mining, and virtual reality based learning systems) to the more traditionally low-tech (e.g. cognitive development, instructional planning, and motivation). General definitions for terms like AI and computer-based learning create opportunities for interdisciplinary study.

Editorial Standards:

Standards for publication vary based on the submission

System Description - A description of an AI-based learning environment with some novel combination or addition. This submission requires a theoretical basis, implementation, and an evaluation of the system.

Component Description - A discussion of a new aspect of AI-based learning that follows the principles of computer science research. The submission should include some form of code and a theoretical or experimental study that identifies the benefits of this component.

Theoretical Study - A paper that explores a mathematical analysis of AIED research without implementation. For the work to be substantial, researchers must contribute some new insight (e.g. clarification, comparison, derivation). 

Experimental Study - Traditional research publications of empirical research. The researcher must clarify how the experimental is relevant to the interests of AIED. 

Review Paper - Reviews must be timely (i.e. not focused on an historical topic), comprehensive, and balanced. The journal’s standards prioritize systematic reviews that employ a replicable method. Researchers must prioritize the most relevant perspectives in the field. 

Methodological Study - These submissions are less likely to be empirical and offer instead the philosophical exploration of key AIED paradigms. This study may integrate other disciplines or aspects of educational theory to discover novel AIED theories/practices.

Viewpoint - These are the Op/Ed articles of the academic journal. Editors acknowledge that these articles may be more provocative to instill debate or challenge the conventional wisdom of the field. Despite the relaxed formal/tonal expectations, researchers are still expected to demonstrate knowledge of the field by grounding perspectives in the relevant literature.

IJAIED reviewers address the following criteria when evaluating submissions:

H5 Index Number: 33

H5 Median Number: 48

Scopus Citing Score: 8.2

General Information:

EST. 2004

This highly visible, open-access journal is an extension of the online scientific journal founded by the Universitat Oberta De Catalunya  Currently published by Springer.  Articles are peer-reviewed, but the copyright remains with the author, granting republication rights in perpetuity to the journal. The journal aims to help disseminate scholarly work from the perspective of researchers, professionals, and practitioners.  They aim to further the scientific knowledge regarding the uses of technology in higher education.  They produce 1 issue each year, with an average of 6 weeks from submission to publication.  

Editorial Standards:

h5 Index Number: #55

h5-median = 103

Scopus Citing Score: #11.8

This score is in the 99th percentile in education for 2021. It is ranked 6th in the category of education.   

General Information:

EST. 2013

International Journal of Instruction is an  internationally recognized journal in the field of education and is published four times a year (in January, April, July & October). The aim of this journal is to publish high quality studies in the areas of instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, learning environments, teacher education, educational technology, educational developments. Studies may relate to any age level - from infants to adults. 

Open Access Policy

International Journal of Instruction aims to increase visibility and make easier use of open access scientific papers. Readers and their institutions are supported for online access without asking for any royalty, personnel information, or log in process. According to open access policy of our journal, all readers are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, link and search our articles with no charge.

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: #54

h5-Median: #77

Scopus Citing Score: #3.4

General Information:

EST. 1990

Published five times per year by Springer, the International Journal of Technology and Design Education aims to further research in the developing field of design in instructional technology. The journal is published online (website and app) and in print with some articles appearing first online.

Editorial Standards:

The editorial board is particularly interested in articles pertaining to interdisciplinary technology integration and technology teacher development. Authors can choose to publish open access in this hybrid open access journal for a fee. 

h5-Index: #33

h5-Median: #46

Scopus Citing Score: #4.4

General Information:

JCAL (Journal of Computer Assisted Learning) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers uses of information and communication technologies to support learning, teaching, and instructional design and development. JCAL research is focused at the intersection of educational psychology, the learning sciences, educational & instructional technology, instructional design, collaborative learning, intelligent learning systems, learning analytics, open, distance and networked learning, and educational evaluation and assessment. 

Editorial Standards:

JCAL welcomes

h5-index: 61   

h5-median: 92

Scopus Citing Score: 8.0

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

General Information:

EST. 1989 

Journal of Computing in Higher Education was established at a time when the use of emerging technologies within the realm of education was not dedicated solely to the use of modern day computers, but built around the future implications of their utility. The journal has evolved over the past 33 years to now include articles on mobile gaming, MOOCs, and instructional products. A wide variety of articles are encouraged for consideration. The main focus has always been and continues to be on higher education. 

Articles submitted for publication undergo peer review. Submission guidelines stipulate APA 6th ed. be used. Authors have the opportunity to either transfer copyright to the journal or provide their article as open-access for a publication fee. 

The Journal of Computing in Higher Education recommends authors seeking publication review their comprehensive guide. What Journal Editors Wish Authors Knew About Academic Publishing  

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 38

h5-Median: 56

Scopus Citing Score: 7.4

General Information:

JCAL (Journal of Computer Assisted Learning) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers uses of information and communication technologies to support learning, teaching, and instructional design and development. JCAL research is focused at the intersection of educational psychology, the learning sciences, educational & instructional technology, instructional design, collaborative learning, intelligent learning systems, learning analytics, open, distance and networked learning, and educational evaluation and assessment. 

Editorial Standards:

JCAL welcomes

h5-index: 61   

h5-median: 92

Scopus Citing Score: 8.0

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

General Information:

EST. 1989 

Journal of Computing in Higher Education was established at a time when the use of emerging technologies within the realm of education was not dedicated solely to the use of modern day computers, but built around the future implications of their utility. The journal has evolved over the past 33 years to now include articles on mobile gaming, MOOCs, and instructional products. A wide variety of articles are encouraged for consideration. The main focus has always been and continues to be on higher education. 

Articles submitted for publication undergo peer review. Submission guidelines stipulate APA 6th ed. be used. Authors have the opportunity to either transfer copyright to the journal or provide their article as open-access for a publication fee. 

The Journal of Computing in Higher Education recommends authors seeking publication review their comprehensive guide. What Journal Editors Wish Authors Knew About Academic Publishing  

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 38

h5-Median: 56

Scopus Citing Score: 7.4

General Information:

EST. 2000

The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (formerly named the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning) (IRRODL) is a refereed, open access e-journal that disseminates original research, theory, and best practice in open and distributed learning worldwide. IRRODL is available free-of-charge to anyone with access to the Internet, and there are no article submission or access charges for publication in this open journal.

The Journal targets both researchers and practitioners of open and distance education systems. It aims to improve the quality of basic and applied research while also addressing the need for the translation of this knowledge into policies and activities that improve educational opportunity for students and teachers.

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: #55

h5-Median: #81

Scopus Citing Score: #6.1

General Information:

Interactive Learning Environments publishes articles on the design and use of interactive learning environments, focusing on knowledge sharing, adaptive systems, and pedagogy. Relevant domains of application include education and training at all levels, life-long learning and knowledge sharing. This journal is affiliated with the Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia.

Editorial Standards:

Research articles published in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees The journal welcomes review and survey articles that demonstrate scholarly depth, breadth and richness. Suggested topics for articles include adaptive systems, learning theory, pedagogy and learning design, the electronically-enhanced classroom, computer mediated communications of all kinds, computer aided assessment, the design and use of virtual learning environments and learning management systems, among others.

h5-index: 66   

h5-median: 99

Scopus Citing Score: 11.0

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

General Information:

EST. 1989 

Journal of Computing in Higher Education was established at a time when the use of emerging technologies within the realm of education was not dedicated solely to the use of modern day computers, but built around the future implications of their utility. The journal has evolved over the past 33 years to now include articles on mobile gaming, MOOCs, and instructional products. A wide variety of articles are encouraged for consideration. The main focus has always been and continues to be on higher education. 

Articles submitted for publication undergo peer review. Submission guidelines stipulate APA 6th ed. be used. Authors have the opportunity to either transfer copyright to the journal or provide their article as open-access for a publication fee. 

The Journal of Computing in Higher Education recommends authors seeking publication review their comprehensive guide. What Journal Editors Wish Authors Knew About Academic Publishing  

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 38

h5-Median: 56

Scopus Citing Score: 7.4

General Information:

The Internet and Higher Education is a quarterly journal devoted to addressing contemporary issues and future developments related to Internet-enabled learning and teaching in higher education settings. It is a peer-reviewed journal intended to be a vehicle for scholarly presentation and dissemination of contributions significantly addressing innovative uses of Internet technology in learning and teaching, and reporting on research to demonstrate the effects of the Internet on the quality and/or the equity of learning and teaching in higher education contexts.  

Editorial Standards:

Manuscripts should include a highlights section that includes 3-5 bullet points to increase searchability on internet engines. The abstract should not exceed 100-150 words and should include 3-6 keywords. The manuscript should be between 4500-8000 words in length. References should be formatted according to APA 7th edition. Guide for Authors

H5 Index Number: 51

H5 Median Number: 94

Scopus Citing Score: 16.6

General Information:

EST. 2020 

The Journal for Applied Instructional Design (JAID) is a peer-reviewed journal for scholar-practitioners in the field of instructional design. The journal is supported by the AECT and is available freely (open source) on EdTechbooks.org. Scholars or practitioners interested in publishing can submit their work for review by following the guidelines available on the site. The journal's stated purpose is to provide researchers and practitioners a way to "inform both the study and practice of instructional design."

Editorial Standards:



Scopus Citing Score

General Information:

The Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education (JDLTE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that emphasizes technology education for preservice and inservice teachers. The research is intended to be shared across teachers, departments, and schools of education to support technological capacity. The journal’s submission guidelines supports each pillar of the journal’s content with a series of questions. Selected examples are quoted below: 

Practical. What could a teacher educator use right now with preservice or inservice courses or programs? … What is happening in K-12 computer education that relates to teacher education programs?

Theoretical. What thoughts, insights or principles can be presented as a theoretical basis for practical applications in teacher education programs with regard to computers and technology in education?

Leadership. …How can educators become effective critics and implementers of innovations using technology?

Research. What research can be reported or synthesized that has bearing on computer and technology education programs in teacher education? 

(ISTE, n.d., paras. 3-6)

Editorial Standards:

Papers must follow APA 7th-edition, including a 120-word abstract. Reference section must be included at the end. Articles should be between 4,000-6,000 words. Identifying information must be limited to the first page of the manuscript.

H5 Index Number: 25

H5 Median Number: 40

Scopus Citing Score: 5.3

General Information:

The Journal of Educational Psychology is published by the American Psychological Association (APA) eight times per year. The main purpose is to publish original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. 

Editorial Standards:

Manuscripts should be prepared according to APA 7th edition and not exceed 12,000 words (approximately 40 pages double spaced) not including references, tables, figures, and appendices. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should include five keywords. Submissions

H5 Index Number: 67

H5 Median Number: 108

Scopus Citing Score: 10.4

General Information:

The Journal of Educators Online (JEO) is an open-access journal published three times per year. JEO highlights research in Computer Mediated Learning (CML) including distance, online, electronic, virtual, distributed, blended, and mobile learning.  JEO features theoretical and empirically based research articles, critical reflection pieces, case studies, and classroom innovations relevant to computer-mediated learning (including teaching, learning, assessment, pedagogy, content, and organizational issues).  

Editorial Standards:

JEO hosts a range of research strategies; most common formats include theoretical, empirical, critical reflection, case study, and classroom innovation. Submissions should clearly highlight the significance and implications of the investigation to computer-mediated learning; all manuscripts should be formatted according to APA Style, 7th edition. Submissions should include a 50-100 word abstract, body, references, and supporting tables/figures/graphics with a maximum length of 30 pages. To facilitate the masked portion of the manuscript review process, the author’s name and other identifying information should NOT appear anywhere on the manuscript (including the title page); the manuscript should be written in a generalized fashion that does not directly divulge authorship or institutional affiliation. Submission Information

H5 Index Number: 27

H5 Median Number: 52

Scopus Citing Score: 2.0

General Information:

Established 2011.

International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning & Teaching (IJCALLT) is an avenue for researchers, teachers, practitioners, and education professionals to discuss and share their ideas, experience, and knowledge in combining computer technology with language teaching and learning. Due to the fast pace of technological change, innovative teaching approaches and strategies should be developed to successfully integrate new technologies into language teaching. This journal provides opportunities to evaluate, improve, and apply innovative teaching strategies as they are developed to meet the demands of a fast-paced technological world, especially in the fields of CALL and foreign/second language learning. 

Editorial Standards:

IJCALLT invites research papers, theory, and conceptually-based papers that address the use and impact of, and innovations in education technologies in promoting foreign/second language learning and teaching. This journal expands on the principles, theories, designs, discussion, and implementations of computer-assisted language learning. In addition to original research papers and submissions on theory and concept development and systematic reports of practice, this journal welcomes theory-based CALL-related book and software/application reviews.   

h5-index: 15   

h5-median: 18

Scopus Citing Score: 2.3

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

General Information:

EST. 1989 

Journal of Computing in Higher Education was established at a time when the use of emerging technologies within the realm of education was not dedicated solely to the use of modern day computers, but built around the future implications of their utility. The journal has evolved over the past 33 years to now include articles on mobile gaming, MOOCs, and instructional products. A wide variety of articles are encouraged for consideration. The main focus has always been and continues to be on higher education. 

Articles submitted for publication undergo peer review. Submission guidelines stipulate APA 6th ed. be used. Authors have the opportunity to either transfer copyright to the journal or provide their article as open-access for a publication fee. 

The Journal of Computing in Higher Education recommends authors seeking publication review their comprehensive guide. What Journal Editors Wish Authors Knew About Academic Publishing  

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 38

h5-Median: 56

Scopus Citing Score: 7.4

General Information:

JCAL (Journal of Computer Assisted Learning) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers uses of information and communication technologies to support learning, teaching, and instructional design and development. JCAL research is focused at the intersection of educational psychology, the learning sciences, educational & instructional technology, instructional design, collaborative learning, intelligent learning systems, learning analytics, open, distance and networked learning, and educational evaluation and assessment. 

Editorial Standards:

JCAL welcomes

h5-index: 61   

h5-median: 92

Scopus Citing Score: 8.0

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

General Information:

EST. 1989 

Journal of Computing in Higher Education was established at a time when the use of emerging technologies within the realm of education was not dedicated solely to the use of modern day computers, but built around the future implications of their utility. The journal has evolved over the past 33 years to now include articles on mobile gaming, MOOCs, and instructional products. A wide variety of articles are encouraged for consideration. The main focus has always been and continues to be on higher education. 

Articles submitted for publication undergo peer review. Submission guidelines stipulate APA 6th ed. be used. Authors have the opportunity to either transfer copyright to the journal or provide their article as open-access for a publication fee. 

The Journal of Computing in Higher Education recommends authors seeking publication review their comprehensive guide. What Journal Editors Wish Authors Knew About Academic Publishing  

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 38

h5-Median: 56

Scopus Citing Score: 7.4

General Information:

EST. 2002

This open-access, peer-reviewed journal is published by the Informing Science Institute. Articles published in this journal will highlight research on information technology in education. The journal is published annually in print. Recently published articles covered topics such as gamification, social-emotional learning, and technology in education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Editorial Standards:

Accepted articles are published within weeks of acceptance online. Authors retain the copyright to their work, but there is a fee of $75 for non-members to publish with the journal. The current editorial board consists of promoted members of their International Board of Reviewers. 

h5-Index: #28

h5-Median: #44

Scopus Citing Score: #3.5

General Information:

EST. 2013

The Journal of Learning for Development (JL4D) is an open source journal focusing on innovation in learning and development for open and distance learning (ODL). Due to the nature of distance learning, JL4D considers articles for publication that center around technology-enabled learning, access,  and equity.

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 20

h5-Median: 35

Scopus Citing Score: 1.6

General Information:

JPED is a peer-reviewed journal published four times a year by the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) that uses a masked-in-both-directions review process to accept articles. This journal accepts manuscripts in research, best practices, and implications for disability service educators. Current publications are made available to AHEAD members only (a paid subscription), with archived publications made public quarterly. The first archived volume is Volume 9 from 1991.

Common topics include themes relating to disabled college students, college and university disability services offices, disability educators, and disability studies through the lens of higher education teaching and learning.

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 22

h5-Median: 28

General Information:

EST. 1968

JRTE published five issues each year (quarterly regular publications plus an annual special issue) in a hybrid open access format. The aim of the journal is to publish articles that add to the research on the current state of and future of technology in all levels of education. JRTE is published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

Editorial Standards:

Articles are peer-reviewed, and authors may choose to publish open access and retain the copyright to their work under a creative commons license. 

h5-Index: #29

h5-Median: #48

Scopus Citing Score: #4.6

General Information:

EST. 1992 

Journal of Science Education and Technology is a subscription based publication, focused on the advancement of technology and science education on a global scale. The journal does not limit articles to any specific level of education. Articles considered for publication will be categorized into one of the following areas: Disciplinary for articles related to specific fields within technology and the sciences, Technological for research into specific software or hardware, and Organizational for studies within the realm of educational policy and administration. 

Submissions undergo rigorous double- blind peer review. Articles submitted for consideration must be under 6,000 words with a maximum 250 word abstract. Submission format and guidelines are extensive and should be reviewed prior to the conclusion or editing. 

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 37

h5-Median: 51

Scopus Citing Score: 5.2

General Information:

EST. 2017

Journal of Science Learning began publishing three times a year since 2017. The focus is on science media, learning, teacher education, and assessments. This is an open access journal. 

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 23

i10-Index: 58

General Information:

Multimedia Tools and Applications publishes original research articles on multimedia development and system support tools as well as case studies of multimedia applications. It also features experimental and survey articles. The journal is intended for academics, practitioners, scientists and engineers who are involved in multimedia system research, design and applications. 

Editorial Standards:

The journal follows a single-blind reviewing procedure. Manuscripts should be prepared according to APA 7th edition and submitted in Word (.docx) format. Specific guidelines are provided for images including tables, figures, and appendices. The abstract should not exceed 150-250 words and not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. Submission Guidelines

H5 Index Number: 96

H5 Median Number: 137

Scopus Citing Score: 4.27

Online Learning 

General Information:

EST. 1997 

Online learning is an open source journal focused on publishing research in the field of higher education blended and online learning.  The mission of the journal is to publish and distribute research on the policies, practice, and pedagogy within the field of digital learning environments. The focus of the journal is higher education, but K-12 and healthcare professionals are topics considered for publication. 

The journal is published quarterly.  Publication submissions undergo double blind peer review.  Dr. Patrick Lowenthal is an editor for Special Conference Issues. 

Editorial Standards:

h5-Index: 27

h5-Median: 56

Scopus Citing Score: 5.7 

General Information:

EST. 1989

This journal is published three times a year by the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning. Its focus is to promote the integraiton of technology in second language teaching. The articles are available through subscription and some open access (see below) and include academic studies and book reviews. It is published exclusively online since 2021.

Editorial Standards:

Authors can choose to make their articles open access by paying a fee when they submit their work. Articles are reviewed by three anonymous peer reviewers prior to publication.

h5-Index: N/A

h5-Median: N/A

Scopus Citing Score: #5.7

Teaching in Higher Education

Teaching in Higher Education disrupts traditional educational silos by challenging traditional models of education, introducing interdisciplinary pedagogies and theories, and synthesizing the gap between research and practice.

Editorial Standards:

This journal is open access and publishes original research using a single anonymous peer review process by two independent experts.

HL Index Number: 48

h5-median: 63

Impact Factor: 2.6 (2022)

CiteScore: 5.7 (2022)

General Information:

This journal is closely associated with AECT and is published by Springer.  It shares the latest research of professional practitioners in the educational communication and technology field. They seek to be the lead international organization that studies educational technology.

Editorial Standards:

This journal uses single-anonymous peer review, double-anonymous peer review, open peer review and registered reports.  

HL Index Number: #42

h5-median 63

Scopus Citing Score: #3.3

63% cited rate

Technology, Knowledge, and Learning

Technology, Knowledge, and Learning  (TKL) is situated at the intersection of online learning, gamification, assessment, and learning analytics. Given the digital nature of such educational technologies, TKL publishes research drawn from the massive data generated by online learning systems.  

Editorial Standards:

TKL adheres to a double-blind peer review. 

HL Index Number: 45

h5-median: 72

Impact Factor: 3.3 (2022)

General Information:

 Tech & Learning features a weekly newsletter and monthly digital magazine. Articles are written by educators and journalists. The editorial team fact-checks and edits the articles before publication.

Tech & Learning is open-access. The resource is supported by sponsored published content that is openly designated as such and affiliate sponsor links. 

General Information:

Established in 2003, this journal focuses on topics that ultimately support the international collection of educational practitioners in the integration of communications technology.  The journal supports the growth of research in ICT and its relationship to teaching and learning.  The journal also collects articles that create an international focus on the topic of ICT and its inclusion in professional development. 

Editorial Standards:

This journal uses single-anonymous peer review, double-anonymous peer review, open peer review and registered reports.  

HL Index Number: #39

h5-median 58

Scopus Citing Score: #5.2

91% in communication