Brad Hokanson

Professor, Design Graduate Program Director

Brad Hokanson earned his Ph. D. in Instructional Technology from the University of Minnesota and is currently a professor at his alma mater in the College of Design. Dr. Hokanson’s training as an award-winning architect affords him a unique perspective in completing his research in critical thinking and creative problem solving. He was elected president of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) in 2016. Dr. Hokanson offers courses in the areas of creative problem solving and critical thinking. Some of his most cited work includes

  • Hokanson, B., Hooper, S. (2000). Computers as cognitive media: examining the potential of computers in education. Computers in Human Behavior, 16(5), 537-552.

  • Clinton, G., Hokanson, B. (2012). Creativity in the training and practice of instructional designers: the Design/Creativity Loops model. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(1), 111-130.

  • Hokanson, B., Hooper, S. (2004, October 19-23). Integrating technology in classrooms: We have met the enemy and he is us [Paper presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology 27th, Chicago, IL, United States.

