Lisa Dawley
Dr. Lisa Dawley
Lisa Dawley achieved her PhD & MA, Education in Teaching & Learning from UC Santa Barbara. She is currently a Senior Innovation Fellow at the Jacobs Institute for Innovation in Education at the University of San Diego. She is a researcher and innovator in the field of virtual learning spaces and distance learning. She is the cofounder of Pactful, which is an app for teens meant to help teenagers build a better world. Much of her research is dedicated to learning and socializing in online spaces.
Some of her most cited work includes
Dawley, L., Dede, C. (2014). Situated Learning in Virtual Worlds and Immersive Simulations. In: Spector, J., Merrill, M., Elen, J., Bishop, M. (eds) Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology. Springer, New York, NY.
Dawley, L. (2009), Social network knowledge construction: emerging virtual world pedagogy, On the Horizon, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 109-121.
Hsu, Yu-Chang; Rice, Kerry; and Dawley, Lisa. (2012). Empowering Educators with Google's Android App Inventor: An Online Workshop in Mobile App Design. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E1-E5.