Charles M. Reigeluth
Charles M. Reigeluth
Charles M. Reigeluth graduated with a B.A. in Economics from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Instructional Psychology from Brigham Young University. Reigeluth is credited with creating the Elaboration and Simulation Theories. Charles Reigeluth believes that school systems should be transformed to focus on student-centered learning instead of a teacher-centered curriculum. He believes this is a community wide initiative and requires not only student and teacher, but also community members and community businesses. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at the Instructional Systems Technology Department at Indiana University.
Popular Publications:
Reigeluth, C. M., & An, Y. (2021). Merging the instructional design process with learner-centered theory: The Holistic 4D Model. New York, NY: Routledge.
Reigeluth, C.M., & Karnopp, J.R. (2020). Vision and action: Two sides of the coin for systemic change in educational systems. TechTrends, 64 (5), 769-778. DOI: 10.1007/s11528-020-00528-x
Reigeluth, C. M., & Karnopp, J. R. (2020). Vision and action: Reinventing schools through personalized competency-Based education. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
Reigeluth, C. M., & Karnopp, J. R. (2013). Reinventing schools: It’s time to break the mold. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.