Yu-Hui Ching

Yu-Hui Ching

Yu-Hui Ching is an Associate Professor in the Educational Technology Department of Boise State University. She received her PhD from Pennsylvania State University in Instructional Systems and her Master's degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from State University of New York at Buffalo. Dr Ching began working at Boise State as a Visiting Assistant Professor in 2010 before becoming a Assistant Professor in 2013 and an Associate Professor in 2017. She has authored 40 articles and five book chapters about educational technology. Dr. Ching's research focuses on STEM technology, educational robotics, computational thinking for K-12 students, and problem-solving.

Some of her most cited work includes:

  • Hsu, Y.-C., Baldwin, S., & Ching, Y.-H. (2017). Learning through making and maker education. TechTrends, 61(6), 589–594.

  • Hsu, Y.-C., & Ching, Y.-H. (2013). Mobile app design for teaching and learning: Educators’ experiences in an online graduate course. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 14(4), 117–139.

  • Baldwin, S., Ching, Y.-H., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2018). Online course design in higher education: A review of national and statewide evaluation instruments. TechTrends, 62(1), 46–57.

  • Hsu, Y.-C., Hung, J.-L., & Ching, Y.-H. (2013). Trends of educational technology research: More than a decade of international research in six SSCI-indexed refereed journals. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(4), 685–705.

  • Hsu, Y.-C., & Ching, Y.-H. (2012). Mobile microblogging: Using Twitter and mobile devices in an online course to promote learning in authentic contexts. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(4), 211–227.

