Walter Dick
Walter Dick
One of the minds behind the Dick and Carey Model for Instructional Design (often referred to as the Systems Approach Model), Walter Dick had a profound effect on the field of instructional design. First published in 1976, Dick’s seminal work titled The Systematic Design of Instruction outlined the Dick and Carey Model, identifying discreet stages necessary for effective instruction. The text is now in its 9th Edition and has expanded with current research and trends to include additional stages. Dick was a longtime Professor of Instructional Systems at Florida State University. His other published works include
Dick. W. (1996) The dick and carey model: Will it survive the decade? Educational Technology Research and Development, 44, 55–63.
Dick, W., & Reiser, R. A. (1989). Planning effective instruction. Prentice Hall.
Reiser, R. A., & Dick, W. (1996). Instructional planning: A guide for teachers. Allyn and Bacon.