Vanessa Dennen
Program Director & Professor of Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies — Academic Director for the EdD program in Learning Design and Performance Technology
Dr. Vanessa Dennen is a Professor of Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT) at Florida State University. Dr. Dennen serves at the Program Director for ISLT and the Academic Director for the EdD program in Learning Design and Performance Technology. She received a Master’s Degree in Instructional Design, Development & Evaluation from Syracuse University, a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology from Indianan University and a doctoral degree (PhD) in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University. Her research interests are around technology-based communication in courses.
In addition to her roles at Florida State University, she serves as the editor-in-chief of The Internet and Higher Education Journal.
Dennen, V. P., Aubtene Darabi, A., Smith, L. J. (2007). Instructor–learner interaction in online courses: The relative perceived importance of particular instructor actions on performance and satisfaction. Distance Education 28(1), 65-79
Dennen, V. P. (2005). From message posting to learning dialogues: Factors affecting learner participation in asynchronous discussion
Dennen, V. P. (2013). Cognitive apprenticeship in educational practice: Research on scaffolding, modeling, mentoring, and coaching as instructional strategies. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, p 804-819
Twitter: @vdennen