Saul Carliner
Design of materials for learning and communication for the workplace, and the transfer of research to practice.
Saul Carliner is a professor and Graduate Program Director for the Educational Technology program at Concordia University, among other titles and duties. He received his PhD in Instructional Technology from Georgia State University. He is a prolific author, writing multiple bestselling books in addition to his contributions to peer reviewed journals. He is known as a generalist, or perhaps more as an expert in both academia and industry.
Driscoll, M., & Carliner, S. (2005). Advanced web-based training strategies: Unlocking instructionally sound online learning. Pfeiffer.
Carline, S. (2000). Physical, cognitive, and affective: A three-part framework for information design. Society for Technical Communication. 47(4). 561-576.
Shank, P., & Carline, S. (Eds.). (2016). The E-Learning Handbook: Past Promises, Present Challenges. Wiley.