Margaret “M.D.” Roblyer
Professor of Educational Technology
Margaret Roblyer is a retired professor and major contributor to the Educational Technology Field since 1969. She earned her doctorate in instructional systems from Florida State University. Over the years prior to her retirement she wrote numerous books and articles about using technology in education.
Her publications include:
Roblyer, M. D., & Hughes, J. E. (2019). Integrating Educational Technology into teaching: Transforming learning across disciplines. Pearson Education, Inc.
Roblyer, M. & Davis, Lloyd & Mills, Steven & Marshall, Jon & Pape, Liz. (2008). Toward Practical Procedures for Predicting and Promoting Success in Virtual School Students. American Journal of Distance Education. 22. 90-109. 10.1080/08923640802039040.
Roblyer, M.. (2008). Virtual Schools: Redefining “A Place Called School”. 10.1007/978-0-387-73315-9_40.
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